I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award. I was nominated end of last month (30th April 2014), but just found out 11 days ago, on the 11th of May, 2014.
LiebsterAwardLike in my previous Blog Awards (s), the rules are similar.

Rule.1 Thank the person who nominated me, and add the picture of the award on top.

I know, last time I mentioned not to be nominated for any more awards after I completed a post for…

The Sunshine Award

…(last year) and …

A Multitude of Awards

… (January 2014), but this is the first time Jim Turnbull of ‘The Good, the Bad and the Average’ (http://goodbadaverage.com/) has nominated me, so I thought I might as well do this post. So Thank you Jim, for this great honour you have bestowed upon me.

Rule .2 Answer 11 questions given by the person who nominated me.

Q1. What got you into blogging originally?
A1. My love and desire to write about cinema. I use to make lists/write-up critiques on IMDB (nuwansdel_02 and/or See all lists by nuwansdel_02), soon I wished to have my own page, my own blog.

Q2. What was the first movie you saw at the cinema?
A2. Oh Boy, I don’t remember, I was most probably a toddler when I first visited the cinema.

Q3. What was the last movie you saw at the cinema?
A3. Ramchand Pakistani (2008), a Pakistani Art film, based on a true story set in a prison in India, near the India/Pakistan border. I watched this around October last year, when it came for a Film Festival here. Prior to that, the last movie I watched at a cinema, that wasn’t in a festival, was Deepa Mehta’s Midnight’s Children (2012), exactly one year ago, in May 2013. Rarely are there good movies shown in the cinema’s here, thus these two movies are the only ones I watched on the big screen here, last year. I haven’t been to the cinema this year at all, so far.

Q4. If you could write and direct any film, what would it be about?
A4. Conversations with my Shrink Ha!!!

Q5.What do you think the most underrated film of all time is?
A5. There might be so many, but nothing specific comes to mind.

Q6. Who is your favourite director and why?
A6. Alfred Hitchcock, ‘cause it’s Hitchcock man, of course !!!! The greatest film director that ever existed. He had a unique style to convey psychological horror and tension, without any modern day visual antics. He manages to conjure up the atmosphere of a movie, and make you feel the presence of something that doesn’t exist on the screen. For example, in Rebecca (1940), he manages to make you feel the existence of a ghost without ever showing you one on screen, not even flicker or a hint of a sprit. The titular character ‘Rebecca’ doesn’t exist in the movie, but you feel her presence throughout while watching it. How many film directors today can do that without showing visually horrific images.

Q7. Where do you stand on blu-ray?
A7. Never, seen a film on ‘blu-ray’, so can’t comment. Prefer to check out the fishy ‘sting-ray’ whip it’s tail in warm water instead 🙂 .

Q8. What is your favourite movie line?
A8. “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn”, from Gone with the Wind (1939)

Q9. If you could recast any role with any actor/actress, who would it be?
A9. Why, Audrey Hepburn of course!!! Or do you mean someone alive, then I’d go for – actor Jude Law/actress Kate Winslet.

Q10.What is the longest film you have seen?
A10. Man, I’ve seen sooooo many long films; from Metropolis (1927) to Gone with the Wind (1939) to Taj Mahal (1963) to Cleopatra (1963) to Mera Naam Joker (1970) to Gandhi (1982) to Schindler’s List (1993) to more recently Les Misérables (2012); thus, am not sure which is the longest film I’ve seen till date. The shortest film, however,  that I’ve seen till date, happens to be the very first movie ever made, Lumière Brothers L’arrivée d’un train à La Ciotat (1895), which lasted only one minute.

Q11. Popcorn. Sweet or salted?
A11. Salted, Definitely!!! Ironic, considering the fact I have a sweet tooth.

Rule.3 Nominate 11 people, let them know and prepare 11 questions for them to answer. And, I cannot nominate the person who nominated me.

Through my experience of previous posts on s, am aware that many of you don’t like to continue this chain. So I shall be kind enough to bend the rules for you here. All my fellow Bloggers, who wish to continue this chain, and any other newer blogger, who might come across this post, within this month, are nominated. Other than you of course, dear Jim, for you nominated me. Sorry!! And so far as answering the 11 questions are concerned, you may either answer the 11 questions prepared by Jim Turnbull, that I’ve answered myself, or check out my older s (press on the link) and answer the questions I prepared in my previous Blog awards. Luckily this time I didn’t have to write something ‘About myself ’, unlike earlier.

So wish you all the best, and thank you Jim once again.

Cheers mate
Nuwan Sen